Courtesy counts
I have a definitive point of view. It may not be yours, but that’s okay. Diversity is what makes the world go round. All I ask is, let’s be open-minded and nice to each other. Rude or inappropriate questions or comments will be discarded immediately.
Patience is a virtue
I have a worldwide audience and thus many “grandchildren.” I cannot respond to every question, but I can assure you that your question will be read. Give me some time and watch the site. Your question and my answer might be posted and read by millions of readers!
Before you ask Gramps, look around
I have been answering questions for years. Search the site before you send me your question. You might be surprised that someone else has already asked.
Do some research
My answers are never intended to be exhaustive, and they never take the place of doing your homework. I do my best to be accurate, and hopefully my answers will open your mind to some new ideas.
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