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Dear Gramps,

I just wonder why, if the Lord saved the most valiant for the latter days there is more wickedness than ever before. We are who we were and will be. So if we have the same attitudes and behaviors, wouldn’t it be fair to assume that not everyone was valiant so much as they didn’t want Satan’s punishment?


Dear Diana,

We have been told many times that some of the most valiant spirits have been kept to come forth in these days.  We should not assume that this applies to everyone born in these latter days.  Some of the most vile men who have ever lived, have done so since the Gospel has been restored to the earth.  Hitler is one that comes to mind.  Nor should we forget that many of the very elect have been on the earth throughout its history. Adam, Noah, Moses Abraham to name a few.  Abraham was told he was one of the chosen.  In Abraham 3:  22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;  23 And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born.

President Joseph Fielding Smith declared: “Our young people … are the nobility of heaven, a choice and chosen generation who have a divine destiny. Their spirits have been reserved to come forth in this day when the gospel is on the earth, and when the Lord needs valiant servants to carry on his great latter-day work.” Ensign April 1970.

In General Priesthood Meeting, President Spencer W. Kimball declared, “We are rearing a royal generation—thousands of whom sit with us here tonight—who have special things to do.” Conference April 1976.

It is interesting that President Kimball didn’t say that all those there were, but “thousands of whom sit with us here tonight”. As we look at the youth today, we can see those that are “noble and great ones”, but I am afraid that not all of them are in that category.

The other point is that Satan is aware that the end is near and he and his forces are doing all that they can to destroy the plan of our Father.  Never in the history of the earth has his effort been this strong. In order to resist Satan, many of the “noble and great ones” were reserved to come forth at this time.


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