Why so much hatred for Latter-day Saints (Mormons)?
Question Gramps, If you have been on YouTube and a video about the LDS shows up, you’ll almost always find comments from people saying that our church is a cult, and we’re brainwashed, and we don’t believe in the correct Jesus, etc. Many of these people are...
Does God work by natural means?
Question Hi Gramps, I'm wondering if God works by "natural means", such as using natural processes and scientific principles rather than "poofing" it into existence? When it comes to the physical world, because he put the guiding principles into place (physics,...
Who wrote down Christ’s words to Joseph Smith spoken in the Doctrine & Covenants?
Question Gramps, We know Oliver Cowdery wrote the words of the Book of Mormon as Joseph Smith translated them. Who wrote down Christ's words that were spoken to Joseph Smith in the Doctrine & Covenants? Yvonne Answer Yvonne, The establishment...
Did Christ enter into a covenant with the Father?
Question Gramps, Did Christ enter into a covenant with the Father? Christ was baptized, operated under Heavenly Father's authority, and received everything from Him. Sounds exactly like a covenant relationship, but I can't find it explicitly mentioned anywhere....
What is the history of Fast and Testimony Meetings?
Question Gramps, When did the fast and testimony start every first Sunday of the month and why is it done once a month? John Answer John, The origins of Fast and Testimony Day trace back to the early days of the Church. Initially, the Latter-day...
Why wasn’t Joseph Smith sealed to Emma first?
Question Gramps, If Emma was Joseph Smith's first wife, why wasn't he sealed to her first? Esteban Answer Esteban, Thank you for an excellent question. To comprehend the intricacies of Joseph Smith's marital sealings, it's essential to understand...
Who extends the call to serve as a counselor in a temple presidency?
Question Gramps, Who extends the call to serve as a counselor in a temple presidency? And, are multiple candidates interviewed as they are for the calling of a stake president? Cherrie Answer Cherrie, In The Church of Jesus Christ of...
Is baptism required for the Telestial Kingdom?
Question Gramps, Is baptism a requirement for entrance into the Telestial Kingdom of glory? Scott Answer Scott, Baptism, a fundamental ordinance in many religious traditions, holds a significant place within The Church of Jesus Christ of...
Not being a son of Levi, where did Nephi get his temple authority?
Question Gramps, Since Nephi wasn’t a Son of Levi, where did he get the authority to work or teach in the temple built in the Americas? Linda Answer Linda, The question of Nephi's authority to work and teach in the temple he constructed in the...
What did Elijah restore in the Kirtland Temple?
Question Gramps, What did Elijah restore in the Kirtland temple? Bill Answer Bill, Constructed between 1833 and 1836, the Kirtland Temple was the first temple built by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Unlike other meetinghouses, a...
Should Non-Members take the Sacrament?
Question Gramps, I understand that the consequences of taking the Sacrament unworthily, or for those who have not been baptized, are dire. Once I met a non-member in Sacrament Meeting. Sitting next to her as the Sacrament came around, I realized she should not...
What is the purpose and functions of the Relief Society when it pertains to activities?
Question Gramps, What is the purpose and function of Relief Society as it relates to activities? Judy Answer Judy, Dear Judy, Whenever anyone has a question about the purpose, function, or requirements of a Church organization or anything it does,...
If we are created equal, why are some people more valiant?
Question Gramps, I'm a firm believer that we are all created equal before God. I also know that our eternal destiny is a product of our agency (whether we choose to follow Christ), not the false doctrine of predestination. But from revealed scriptures, it...
What happens to sealing to parents if adult child leaves the Church?
Question Gramps, What happens to a temple sealing if a child, born under the covenant, chooses to leave the Church as an adult? KrIsti Answer Kristi, In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a temple sealing is not merely a significant...
If the Book of Mormon doesn’t contradict the Bible, why do we need it?
Question Gramps, Recently I’ve been wondering about something with the Book of Mormon. If the Book of Mormon does not contradict the Old and New Testaments in any way, then why is it necessary? What element necessary for salvation is present within it that does...
Are Patriarchal Blessings of our ancestors also meant for us?
Question Gramps, I was talking to a member who is very strong in faith and has a lot of interesting points of view about the gospel. He mentioned that the patriarchal blessings of our ancestors are also for us as if we inherit them. If so that would seem very...
What is the purpose of a new name in the temple?
Question Gramps, Hi. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. I received my endowment a year ago and also received my name. But ever since that time, I have been wondering why we received a new name and does the name mean something. What is the...
Why is the Law of Chastity included as a separate law during the endowment?
Question Gramps, Why is the Law of Chastity included as a separate law during the endowment, instead of as part of the Law of Obedience like other commandments? Of course, chastity is incredibly important, but I've always been confused by its singular emphasis...
Since an ordinance is a sacred act, how does one obey it?
Question Gramps, It’s easy to understand what it means to obey commandments and statutes, as well as to keep covenants. But since an ordinance is a sacred act, how does one obey it? How can an action be kept or obeyed? Loretta Answer Loretta, In...
Why was there racism in the Latter-day Saint Church?
Question Gramps, Why was there racism in the religion? We’re not supposed to hate people so why hate people of color? Katelyn Answer Katelyn, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a rich tapestry of history that includes both...
If we are truly repentant, will our sins be spoken of on Judgment Day?
Question Gramps, If we are truly repentant, on judgement day, will our sins still be spoken for all to hear even though the scriptures say our Heavenly Father will remember them no more? Raydeen Answer Raydeen, The concept of repentance is central...
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