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Gramps, Say we are half way thru the millenium and the new children born become rebellious thru their own agency, Do they go bye-bye like those who did not live the terrestrial life at the beginning of the millenium?



I just don’t know Gary.

The Millennium will be a period of worldwide peace and righteousness. Satan will be bound by the righteousness of the saints, and the earth will finally rest from the shrugafflictions we’ve caused her. The world will be in a paradisiacal state, as those who dwell on it will be living a terrestrial law. We know that man will still have his agency, given the importance of it in the plan of salvation, and because some will openly rebel against God and usher in the “little season” when Satan is no longer bound (D&C 29:22).

During those thousand years man will still be free to rebel. It may be that the most valiant are reserved for that time. It may be that better reform or legal discipline will be in place to minimize telestial lapses. It may be something else entirely. I’m afraid it’s been an awfully long time since the people of God (in 4 Nephi) showed us how this could be and I just don’t know.


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