I feel sure that I know the answer to this question, but I have to ask anyway. I have a sister-in-law, works faithfully in a temple, and she says: A woman can, on this earth, be sealed to as many men as life gives her through a temple sealing, but then she will choose only one in the next life. I have never heard of this before and she has been telling us this for years. She swears up and down that the General Authorities have been telling this in conferences, etc. I would just like to see it in writing because I don’t believe it. She also says other things that just don’t make sense to me. Well, Gramps, I will be very interested in hearing from you. Thank you for your column of questions and answers. I enjoy them thoroughly.
Dear Lorraine,
It is my understanding that a living woman can be sealed to only one man. If a divorce has occurred after a sealing, before the woman could be sealed to another man it would be necessary to have the first sealing cancelled by the First Presidency. If the husband to whom the wife has been sealed dies, she may not be sealed to another man.
In performing proxy marriages for deceased persons, however, it is possible for a woman to be sealed to all of her husbands. Only one of the sealings would be valid, and the man to whom the sealing woud be effective would undoubtedly be determined by the Lord, who is the judge of all.
You might suggest that your sister-in-law check with her bishop or her temple president, either of which would be able to give definitive counsel in this matter.