Dear Gramps,
We know that all sins can be forgiven except that of denying the Holy Ghost. In the case of murder I know that one can be forgiven but never obtain eternal life, only the telestial kingdom. In the cause of abortion is it the same in that you can be forgiven, but never be able to receive exaltation.
Dear Alison,
Not only can you be forgiven, but the Lord would love for you to repent and be forgiven. The First Presidency said in 1972:
“As the matter stands today, no definite statement has been made by the Lord one way or another regarding the crime of abortion. So far as is known, he has not listed it alongside the crime of the unpardonable sin and shedding of innocent human blood. That he has not done so would suggest that it is not in that class of crime and therefore that it will be amenable to the laws of repentance and forgiveness.”
More recently, the current instruction given to priesthood leaders is that abortion is not considered murder for the purposes of Church disciplinary action. You can and should repent, because Christ’s Atonement is the only thing that can help any anguish.
We can only be judged properly according to the light and knowledge of the gospel we had in our life if/when we made such a decision. I know that may sound a little strange, so let me elaborate.
The killing of another person is against the laws of the land. We instinctively know that this is wrong. (War is a different scenario, so let’s keep that separate.)
Abortion seems to have “conditional morality”, meaning that it depends on the person who wants the abortion. If they see it as “birth control”, that’s the way they see it.
However, those of us who have been raised with certain Christian values, know that the killing of any life, is against God’s plan. It becomes a bigger issue.
3 For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation
It might be helpful for you to study the conversion of the Anti-Nephi-Lehi as found in the Book of Mormon. They were all kinds of sinners up to and including murder. They then became converted and had a complete change of heart. Their burdens were lifted and they felt the forgiving love of God. They totally changed their lives and rejected their former ways. The Book of Mormon makes it clear that God did not withhold any blessing from them once they turned to him.
For any unwed or teenage pregnant girls, I offer this advice: Go to your Bishop. Work with him and plan for the eventual adoption of your child. At the very least, see what resources are available from your City, State, or Country. I know that in the US, you can drop off a child at a police station, fire station or hospital with no questions asked. Just don’t compound the sin with abortion.
If you have committed abortion or funded/encouraged abortion (for men), you must talk to your Bishop. Better to confess in this life, than to harbor the sin until the next life.