Oct 25, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Brigham Young
Question Gramps, How many percentage of the doctrines of Brigham Young does the Church accept including the plurality of wives? Omi Answer Omi, This sort of question is really impossible to answer. There are two reasons: 1) Counting Doctrines of...
Mar 16, 2016 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Brigham Young
Question Gramps, Brigham Young claimed that he wasn’t a prophet but a “Yankee guesser.” Did he really not think he was a prophet? If he didn’t think so, why should we? Bri Answer Dear Bri, I would encourage you to read...
Apr 15, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Brigham Young
Question Gramps, “Men above the age of 25 and aren’t married are a menace to society” is a quote I hear a lot of members of the Church use. A lot of people say that Brigham Young said it. I can’t find anything about Brigham Young or any...
Mar 29, 2012 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Brigham Young, Church History
Question Gramps, Can you explain the Adam-God doctrine? Don Answer Don, I can certainly explain that it is not official LDS Doctrine. There is no clear scriptural precedent for the typical understanding of Brigham Young’s comments. Did he...