How do we have free will?

How do we have free will?

Question   Dear Gramps, If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, how do we have free will? That seems to contradict itself. If he is all powerful and all knowing, then why would he be making/allowing people to live their life in a way that would derail them from...
How was God once a man if He is eternal?

How was God once a man if He is eternal?

Question   Hello Grandpa I have a question and it is the following. How is it that God was once a man and was exalted to be a God according to the teachings of King Follet? Psalm 90 verse 2 says God was always eternal. Could you explain it to me please? Mauro...
Was God always God?

Was God always God?

Question   Gramps, I have never been able to reconcile the contradictions between this doctrine taught in every book of scripture, and what Joseph Smith taught in the King Follett Sermon. What insight can you give to make it make sense? Moroni 8:18 – “God…...
What is God’s Covenant Path?

What is God’s Covenant Path?

Question   What is God’s covenant path? Claudette   Answer   Dear Claudette, In his April 2023 General Conference talk, “Accessing God’s Power through Covenants”, Elder Dale G. Renlund said, “The term covenant path refers...
Is saying “Thank God” taking the Lord’s name in vain?

Is saying “Thank God” taking the Lord’s name in vain?

Question   Hi gramps! Is saying “Thank God” taking the Lord’s name in vain? I tried to research this; I concluded that “in vain” means using it as a swear, without thinking of the Lord, such as in omg, or using it to promote...
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