Does God get angry when we sin?

Does God get angry when we sin?

Question   Gramps, We read from the Book of Mormon every night and I can’t help but notice the pattern with the pride cycle. Something that is also consistent is God’s anger. Do you feel that God does get angry with us when we sin? Is this a misunderstanding of...
Why does God choose a covenant people if He loves all?

Why does God choose a covenant people if He loves all?

Question   Gramps, Why does God choose a covenant people? If he loves all of his children, why pick just one people? Jeff   Answer   Jeff, Throughout the scriptures, the theme of covenant is woven into the fabric of God’s relationship with His...
Is God the Father present at the final judgment?

Is God the Father present at the final judgment?

Question   Gramps, In the Final Judgment where all are brought to stand before the judgment bar of Jesus Christ, is God the Father present? Laurie   Answer   Laurie, The concept of the Final Judgment is a pivotal doctrine within the Church of Jesus...
What does it mean to be a “Servant of God?”

What does it mean to be a “Servant of God?”

Question   Gramps, What does it mean to be a servant of God? Володимир   Answer   Володимир, At its core, being a “Servant of God” means dedicating one’s life to fulfilling the will of God and serving others. In Christian doctrine,...
How can I know more about who Heavenly Father is?

How can I know more about who Heavenly Father is?

Question   Hello Gramps, I love your site and the information you have shared here. I am currently serving as a service missionary in Hawaii, and I have been praying to better know Heavenly Father and the Savior. What advice do you have for us to know more about...
Is God actively engaged?

Is God actively engaged?

Question   Gramps, I want to know, whether God just sits on a throne the whole time and orders angels or people to do things. Is He actively engaged as well?  Does He move around and do things too, and what might be meant by throne exactly, I’d appreciate...
How do we have free will?

How do we have free will?

Question   Dear Gramps, If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, how do we have free will? That seems to contradict itself. If he is all powerful and all knowing, then why would he be making/allowing people to live their life in a way that would derail them from...
How was God once a man if He is eternal?

How was God once a man if He is eternal?

Question   Hello Grandpa I have a question and it is the following. How is it that God was once a man and was exalted to be a God according to the teachings of King Follet? Psalm 90 verse 2 says God was always eternal. Could you explain it to me please? Mauro...
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