What is the Holy Priesthood of Enoch?

What is the Holy Priesthood of Enoch?

Question   Gramps, Do you know anything about The Holy Priesthood of Enoch (The Order of Enoch) as opposed to The Order of Melchizedek? I knew someone who said they were a High Priest of Enoch. In Doctrine and Covenants, it mentions Order Melchizedek is after The...
Why can only males pass the Sacrament?

Why can only males pass the Sacrament?

Question   Gramps, I have a question about women and the priesthood. A friend has posted her distaste for a recent quote that came out regarding women and priesthood power. The comments were crazy, to say the least, stuff about equality and power and patriarchy....
Does John the Beloved hold the keys to the priesthood?

Does John the Beloved hold the keys to the priesthood?

Question   Gramps, In D&C 7:7 it says:  “…and unto you three I will give this power & the keys of this ministry until I come.”  Peter, James & John were given the keys of the priesthood until Christ comes. Now, Peter/James died, but John is still...
Can you magnify the Priesthood?

Can you magnify the Priesthood?

Question   Gramps, Today in the Priesthood meeting I used the phrase to magnify the Priesthood.  A good friend told me that I shouldn’t use that phrase because what we magnify is our calling.  I have read a few discourses where the phrase to magnify the...
What Priesthood keys were given to Peter, James and John?

What Priesthood keys were given to Peter, James and John?

Question   Hi Gramps! On the mount of transfiguration Moses, Elijah, and perhaps others, gave the Priesthood keys to Peter, James, and John.  Do we know what keys were restored?  Since Elijah holds the sealing power were those sealing keys restored at that time? ...
When does a deceased male receive the Priesthood?

When does a deceased male receive the Priesthood?

Question   Gramps, When a deceased man has his work done in the temple, when does he get the priesthood? Marian   Answer   Marian, Thanks for your question. When we do vicarious work for the dead, the first step is to have the individual baptized, then...
How was John the Baptist ordained to the Priesthood?

How was John the Baptist ordained to the Priesthood?

Question   Hi Gramps, A little background on my question: As I understand it, the priesthood was not found among the Jews during the inter-testamental period (from the death of Malachi until the birth of John the Baptist) due to local apostasy. Obviously the...
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