Jul 7, 2024 | Book of Mormon
Question What is Alma referring to when he says “ the 2nd commandment?” Don Answer Don, Thanks for asking about one of those “blink and you’ll miss it” moments in scripture that are so important. It seems that most people...
Mar 21, 2024 | Book of Mormon
Question Gramps, Is the Church following the martyrdom of Joseph Smith more like the Kingdom of Noah or the people of Alma? Following that thinking, when is the scripture in 2 Nephi 28:24-25 going to be fulfilled where all is not well in Zion and the people are...
Jan 31, 2024 | Book of Mormon, Missionary Work
Question Hey Gramps! I came across a concept that was taught on another Q&A website that states missionaries only hand out the Book of Mormon. Yet it teaches few principles taught in the LDS Church, whereas most principles are found in the Doctrine and...
Jan 18, 2024 | Book of Mormon, Etymology
Question Dear Gramps, I was reading the Bible, and in Genesis 6 the Nephilim was mentioned. It started to mention that they were sinful beings and that’s one of the reasons God ordained the flood. Why then, do we look up to Nephi in the Book of Mormon?...
Jan 14, 2024 | Book of Mormon
Question Gramps, Once Nephi and his brothers got their hands on the brass plates, where did they go? Are the things written on them now in the Book of Mormon? Are they from the Bible? If they were that important that they risked their lives for them, then why...
Oct 8, 2023 | Book of Mormon
Question Gramps, Considering he had the large plates, why didn’t King Benjamin already have the small plates instead of Amaleki having to give them to him. Bill Answer Dear Bill, In Jacob 1:1-3 we learn that Nephi gave Jacob charge of the small...
Aug 3, 2023 | Book of Mormon
Question Gramps, In Alma 17:2, it says that the sons of Mosiah had studied the scriptures: what form was their scriptures? And, how many people actually had scriptures at that time? Were they privy to the scriptures because they are sons of the king? Was their...
Jun 16, 2023 | Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ
Question Gramps, In 1 Nephi 10:11 it says that after His resurrection, Christ “should make himself manifest…unto the Gentiles”. What people is this referring to? The Nephites are of the house of Israel, so I don’t think it is referring to them. Did He visit...
Jan 21, 2021 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Book of Mormon
Question Hey Gramps, If Moroni changed parts of Malachi ch. 4 when he visited young Joseph, why doesn’t 3 Nephi 25 coincide w those changes instead of being exactly as quoted in the Bible? Thank-you. Kiley Answer Dear Kiley, When Jesus...
Dec 6, 2020 | Book of Mormon
Question Gramps, Many critics charge that the Book of Mormon contradicts teachings from LDS leaders and other LDS scripture. Critics would sight Moroni 8:18: “For I know that God is not a partial God, neither a changeable. Critics would then cite a quote from...