What was the law before the Ten Commandments?
Question Gramps, What was the law before the 10 commandments were given? Vitor Answer Vitor, Before Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, various moral and divine laws governed the behavior of humanity. These laws, stemming from...
Was the Church of Jesus Christ established in the Old Testament?
Question Gramps, Was the Church of Jesus Christ established in the Old Testament? C. Julius Answer C. Julius, The history and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are deeply intertwined with the teachings and principles...
Is Cain still alive?
Question Gramps, Is Cain still alive? Lon & Mel Answer Lon & Mel, The story of Cain is one of the most profound in the scriptures, serving as a cautionary tale about the consequences of sin and rebellion against God. As the firstborn son...
What is being implied in Ecclesiastes 7:16-18?
Question Hi Gramps, I’m confused about what is being implied when in Ecclesiastes 7:16-18. I have a few other questions: 1. What does it mean to not be overly righteous and overly wise? 2. How is that destroying ourselves? 3. Is verse 17 implying that we...
Does my belief regarding the Adam and Eve timeline go against Church doctrine?
Question Gramps, I believe that humans have been around for a very, very long time. The whole thing about the earth being just 6000 years old doesn’t bother me that much because I don’t believe that’s the Church’s official stance....
In Acts Chapter 15, was Jesus talking about pork consumption?
Question Gramps, I’ve been trying to find out about pork consumption. In Acts chapter 15 Jesus says that what he cleanses we shall not call common. But it doesn’t really show that he meant pork. Can you help me understand please? Dan Answer...
Are the Cherokee Indians part of the 4500 Lamanites who went North in 55 BC?
Question Gramps, When Cherokee Indians were first contacted by journalist Timberlake in the early 1700’s, he was very surprised that they had a complete knowledge of all of the information in the first five books in the old testament. Does that prove they...
What are the differences between the Geneva Bible and the King James Version?
Question Gramps, What are the differences between the Geneva Bible and the King James version? Which came first? If the Geneva Bible came first why doesn’t The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints use that bible? I understand the inspired version...