What was the law before the Ten Commandments?

What was the law before the Ten Commandments?

Question   Gramps, What was the law before the 10 commandments were given? Vitor   Answer   Vitor, Before Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, various moral and divine laws governed the behavior of humanity. These laws, stemming from...
Is Cain still alive?

Is Cain still alive?

Question   Gramps, Is Cain still alive? Lon & Mel   Answer   Lon & Mel, The story of Cain is one of the most profound in the scriptures, serving as a cautionary tale about the consequences of sin and rebellion against God. As the firstborn son...
What is being implied in Ecclesiastes 7:16-18?

What is being implied in Ecclesiastes 7:16-18?

Question   Hi Gramps, I’m confused about what is being implied when in Ecclesiastes 7:16-18. I have a few other questions: 1. What does it mean to not be overly righteous and overly wise? 2. How is that destroying ourselves? 3. Is verse 17 implying that we...
In Acts Chapter 15, was Jesus talking about pork consumption?

In Acts Chapter 15, was Jesus talking about pork consumption?

Question   Gramps, I’ve been trying to find out about pork consumption. In Acts chapter 15 Jesus says that what he cleanses we shall not call common. But it doesn’t really show that he meant pork. Can you help me understand please? Dan   Answer...
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