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Dear Gramps, (for a friend) Many years ago, I was married in the temple and we had two little boys born in the covenant. After 7 years of marriage, my husband died. I was very hurt and mad at God and took off my garments. I am trying to come back now and I know that God loves me and has blessed me many times in all these years since. I say my prayers every night,I pay my tithing and attend church as often as I am physically able. I want to get my life in order, but my mother told me many years ago that my husband would be given to someone else. One of our sons has also passed away. I would very much like to be with my husband and my son when I die, but my visiting teacher told me the other day that I will never see my husband or son again. and I am very scared. Doesn’t Christ sacrifice help me to be forgiven? Am I really damned because I took my garments off and threw them at my mother all those years ago? Will I never see my husband and my son again?



Dear Scared,

I am deeply sorry for the trial of your life in the loss of your husband and one of your sons. I am deeply sorry that the pain was so severe that you felt angry with God leading you to remove your garments. I am sure their are others who have felt similar after losing their eternal companion after a few short years of marriage.

Indeed, God loves you, he loves you so much that he sent His only begotten son into the world to save the world. To save individuals like you and me, and our beloved ones.

Only God knows if you won’t be with your husband and son in the eternities; however, you should come back to Church and confess and forsake the sins of your past. We are informed that the blessings we have received in the temple will be restored unto us once again.

A person is only damned if they do not repent. If a person repents, and comes unto God with full purpose of heart, then we are told that the Lord remembers our sins no more; we are once again clean, innocent before our Heavenly Father (Isaiah 1:18). As such, our Savior’s sacrifice definitely helps you to be forgiven and to be perfected through him.

May the Lord bless you to continue to live righteously from now on, such that, you will see your son and husband again.


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