Dear Gramps,
We are instructed throughout the scriptures to “Come unto Christ” and get our lives resolved through Him. Yet, I find it frustrating that I am to only address the Father in my prayers. I feel this constant struggle to really, truly, come unto Christ, yet I feel like I’m having to bypass Him by going straight to the Father. I feel like I’m never getting right to the source by doing so. It is incredibly frustrating. Do you have any advice for me on how to come unto Christ, while praying solely to the Father?
Will, from Hugo, Oregon
Dear Will,
Why don’t you resign yourself to the order of heaven? The Savior himself instructed us to pray to the Father in His name. If you reflect on the baptismal covenant–that is, 1) to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ, 2) to obey his commandments, and 3) to remain true and faithful all the days of your life, you would find that you are to have a very close relationship with the Savior–to take upon yourself His name!! In other words, to live so close to Him that you would be able to sign His name to all your actions, and eventually to become one with Him in carrying out the works of the Father.