Dear Gramps,
I am 18 years old and am 38 and a half weeks pregnant and have just separated from my partner, he is now in jail. I love him with all my heart, and want him to be around for his daughter, but he isn’t allowed. I am unsure if a can bring her up without him around. I have family support but it would be too hard looking at her knowing she is his and he can’t be around. What should I do?
Angela, from Northland, New Zealand
Dear Angela,
Your partner is in jail undoubtedly because he has broken some law of the land. What do you think should happen to you since you have broken one of the very most sacred laws of God? From your note I do not detect even the smallest feeling of concern or remorse over the reason that your partner is in jail, or over the fact that you are an adulteress. You say that you love this low life guy with all your heart, and I assume that you think that he loves you. Let me give you a clue. He absolutely does not love you!! He uses you, for his own lecherous purposes. What he loves is himself, and his own carnality. The best thing in the world for you to do with respect to your partner is to dissolve immediately the partnership, and never contact him again!
Now you are left with the consequences of your own seriously disobedient actions. You say that you have family support. I hope that they will support you in finding an acceptable home for your infant, so that it may be brought up in a loving, caring two-parent home, with parents who will teach it the gospel of Jesus Christ, and thus fortify it against this increasingly wicked world. Then the course for you is to immediately change your life to one of the strictest morality, and plead with God that He will forgive your past behavior that resulted in this ridiculous circumstance, and lead you to the path of obedience to God and His commandments, that you may find the true happiness and joy that you seek..