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Dear Gramps,

I am wondering about gifts of the spirit, particularly about the gift of healing. I know there must be individuals out there with this gift and I found it interesting that the Lord wants us to share our gifts with others that “all may be profited thereby.” My 3 year old son just went through a tracheal reconstruction and I just want to know if blessings of those who possess this gift are more powerful (as long as it is the Lords will for the person to be healed of course)? Thanks.






As I pondered your question, I thought it might be best to first review what the scriptures have shared regarding the gifts of the spirit. D&C Chapter 46 provides us with further light and knowledge pertaining to the gifts of the spirit (conditions, predicated laws, and knowledge):

1) We are informed that every person is given a gift by the Spirit of God and that everyone doesn’t have every gift. (vs. 11)

2) We are informed that these gifts are given to profit all, and to be a benefit to the children of God (vs. 12, 26)

3) We are given the condition (predicated law) that if we ask in the Spirit, according to the will of God, it is done even as we ask. (vs. 28, 30)

4) Another condition is given that we ask in the name of Christ and that we give thanks for whatsoever blessing is received. (vs. 31-32)

Let’s review your question, if someone has been blessed with the gift to heal, will their blessing have more power than someone who hasn’t? If I may, I would like to change one word and that word in this question is “powerful.” A powerful blessing is a blessing that is given by the Spirit from a worthy priesthood holder, no matter what spiritual gifts this person has. The power of a blessing is based upon the individual worthiness of the priesthood holder, not their gifts. With that said, I would like to change the word from “powerful” to “efficacy.”

If a blessing has more efficacy it will be a blessing that is more likely to produce the intended hope through our faith. Therefore, a blessing that is received by a person who has been blessed with the gift to heal will more likely produce the intended result with the caveat — according to the will and pleasure of the Lord.

Will a blessing then coming from a priesthood holder who has the gift to heal be more powerful then? No.

Will a blessing then coming from a priesthood holder who has the gift to heal have more efficacy? Yes, it is more likely this blessing will produce the intended results of our hope through our faith in Christ, assuming it is the Lord’s will.

As I further review your question though, I believe you are asking about your three-year-old son and if your son was given a blessing by someone who has received the gift of the Spirit to heal, if that would have benefited your son more with the procedure he endured?

First, if you are finding discouragement or are experiencing some form of despondency — please stop — and remove that thought immediately from your heart and mind. This is not from God.

Second, if we are not in the vicinity of someone who has been blessed with the gift to heal, remember the principle and doctrine of “grace.” If we are doing all we can, the Lord’s grace will be upon us, and we can take comfort in that.

Third, these are great opportunities for us as members to seek out these great gifts. In scripture, we are informed that we should desire/covet these great gifts and that we should be seeking them out ourselves. This means, if someone is not around with this gift we can take the opportunity to pray, ask in the Spirit (in the name of Christ) for these gifts. If we have fasted, if we have prayed for these gifts, then the next step (which can be the hardest step) is to trust in the Lord pertaining to whatever we are blessed with.







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