Is it ever appropriate for a speaker from the stand to refer to the Catholics belief in transubstantiation as “preposterous”? I felt it was in appropriate and brought it to the bishop (the son of the speaker in question) who told me that since no offense was intended it was fine and further justified it by saying he had heard other churches bash Joseph Smith. To me what other churches do is not relevant, the prophet never bashes other churches, are we to follow him?
Dear Nik,
I was not at your sacrament meeting, so I cannot speak to the specifics of this particular talk, but I will discuss the subject in generalities.
We, as children of God, should be respectful of all other children of God. We should not use personal insults or derogatory language when referring to anyone. Such comments are inappropriate in any setting, and especially from the church pulpit. Rather, we are commanded to love ALL men, even the sinners of the Earth.
Christ loved all men, but He did not agree with everything all men said. He spent much of his ministry combating the incorrect ideologies that plagued society. When He did so, He would discuss the errant ideas, and then teach of God’s true teaching on the matter. He did this with great love.
When challenged by incorrect ideas, we should always follow Christ’s example: talking about the errant idea and then sharing the God’s truth, all in charity. If you do not share God’s truth, or have His love in your every word, then you can save no souls.
I’m reminded of a quote by Marvin J. Ashton:
We as members of the Church need to be reminded that the words “Nay, speak no ill” are more than a phrase in a musical context but a recommended way of life. (See Hymns, no. 233.) We need to be reminded more than ever before that “if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” (A of F 1:13.) If we follow that admonition, there is no time for the dastardly hobby of bashing instead of building.