I have often heard that others cant receive revelation for you unless they are called to serve over you (how a bishop would be over a ward member). But to what extent can others receive revelation for you? For example, could a sister receive revelation to any extent for a brother? Could she pray to find out if it was right for her brother to go to a certain school, or to marry a certain person? Wouldn’t any witness received by a false impression or ‘concocted from her own fantasies’ as Elder Oaks says on the matter? I would like to know what you do. Thank you
Just Checking
Just Checking,
We are all entitled to personal revelation for ourselves as well as those we have stewardship over – such as family or personal callings.
One exception to this can be in personal priesthood blessings. If you held the priesthood and asked to give your father a blessing, you may receive revelation on that person’s behalf through the service of the priesthood.
I find my own responsibilities and life to be too complex to keep worrying and praying about running everyone else’s affairs. I would pray that others might receive the guidance they need, but not for me to know what those others should do. To me, the answer I would receive would be something like: “Why is that so important to you? Let them come unto me and I will show them the road they should go.”