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Hi Gramps,

Can priesthood blessings be given to deceased persons?  Thank you.






In order to more accurately answer your question let’s review blessings that result from the authorized use of the priesthood. In the Church’s Handbook of Instructions (Book 2) they have a chapter that is specifically discussing practice and ordinances of the priesthood. Some of these authorized priesthood practices are:

1. Name and blessing children
2. Baptism and confirmation
3. Administering to the sick
4. Father’s blessings and other blessings of comfort and counsel
5. Dedicating grave
6. Temple ordinances (not in this section of Handbook)

When I read the phrase “priesthood blessing” from list above I am thinking about naming and blessing children, confirmation, administering to the sick, father’s blessing and other blessings of comfort and counsel. Each of these priesthood blessing are accompanied by a blessing as the Spirit directs and according to the heart of the giver of the blessing. These are accomplished by the laying on of hands. Temple ordinances, although not accompanied by a blessing as directed by the Spirit are still a priesthood blessing to our deceased family members.

If you are referring to a priesthood blessing where a blessing is given by the Spirit (i.e father’s blessings), then no, the deceased do not receive such blessings from us. If you are referring to the deceased being blessed by the priesthood and receiving this form of priesthood blessing, then yes, this happens all the time in our temples.






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