It seems to me that the LDS church should purchase the Kirtland Temple. Are you aware of efforts to purchase the property? I guess the current owners are not interested in selling. Thank you. I have enjoyed reading and learning from your website.
It would be great if the Kirtland Temple could be purchased, but as you stated, the current owners have no plans to sell any time soon. I’m not aware of any ongoing attempts to obtain the property, but then Salt Lake hardly needs to report to me on anything. I’m certain attempts have been made in the past, but by practice the LDS church is pretty lax in such issues. Being obstinate about it certainly won’t help, and so long as the temple is preserved and respected, no harm is done anyway.
Another thing to consider is that the Kirtland Temple has fulfilled its purpose. It’s not really set up to handle many of the things we use temples for today, yet when it was an operating temple it was used for some very important events. The Law of the Lord (D&C 42) was revealed there, many priesthood keys were restored there, parts of the current temple ordinances were revealed and performed within its walls, the saints were spiritually “endued with power from on high”, and many visions were beheld by Joseph Smith and other leaders essential for the establishment of the LDS Church. Even the dedication of the building remains one of the most unique spiritual experiences on record in the LDS Church.
To be sure, it is a remarkable building in many aspects and preserving it is important, but right now it doesn’t seem to be necessary that the Church own the property. Maybe in the future it will change, but as far as I know, it’s not something the Church is overly concerned about.