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Dear Gramps,

I’ve heard it said in the Church that those men and women who live together without marriage are living a “Telestial” law. Does this mean that in the final resurrection, those men and women who inherit the Telestial kingdom will be able to co-habitate without marriage? Since that is the law for that kingdom? But the way the temple endowment is arranged seems to indicate that men and women who inherit anything less than the Celestial kingdom will be physically separated from each other. So I’m kind of confused what their liberties will be in the Telestial kingdom. Any enlightenment on this question would be sincerely appreciated.




Men and women who inherit the Telestial kingdom will not be cohabitating partners in the next realm. Only those who have received of Heavenly Father’s fullness will be able to enjoy eternal companions.

In Doctrine & Covenants 131:1-4, the scriptures explain that if we want to have any increase, any relationship, that extends beyond the veil, we must enter into the highest degree of glory.

Those in the Telestial kingdom will not be privileged, due to their personal choices here on earth, with any eternal increase.


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