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Was the Holy Ghost given by the laying on of hands as an ordinance before the time of Christ?






The practice of laying on of hands is a profound and sacred ordinance within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, integral to the administration of the Holy Ghost. While many are familiar with the concept in the context of post-New Testament practices, it is essential to explore the historical roots and theological significance of this ordinance prior to the time of Christ.

The laying on of hands has a rich history in ancient religious contexts, serving as a method for conferring blessings and authority. In early Christian practices, this act became particularly significant as a way to impart the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Moreover, the practice is deeply rooted in the Old Testament, where prophets and leaders communicated divine blessings through the laying on of hands. This tradition indicates that the concept of transmitting spiritual gifts and authority was well-established, setting the stage for its continuation in the New Testament and beyond. As highlighted in the teachings of Tad R. Callister, the laying on of hands was not merely a ceremonial act but a vital means of transmitting divine authority and blessings to individuals within the early church.

The scriptures provide a compelling basis for understanding the significance of the laying on of hands in relation to the Holy Ghost. In the New Testament, the apostles practiced this ordinance actively, underscoring its importance. For instance, in Acts 8:17, after Philip baptized the Samaritans, the apostles Peter and John laid their hands upon them to confer the Holy Ghost. Similarly, in Acts 19:6, Paul laid hands on disciples in Ephesus, who then received the Holy Ghost. These accounts illustrate the ordinance as a fundamental aspect of early Christian belief and practice.

However, the roots of this ordinance can be traced even further back. The Book of Mormon references this practice, indicating that it was established among the Nephites as part of the restoration of the gospel. In 3 Nephi 18:36-37, it is recorded that Christ conferred the power to give the Holy Ghost to His disciples, further demonstrating that the laying on of hands was a divine directive with deep historical precedence.

In the Old Testament, figures such as Adam received the Holy Ghost, suggesting that the laying on of hands was not exclusive to Christ’s ministry. Historical texts indicate that Adam, following his baptism, received the Holy Ghost through a similar ordinance, establishing a pattern of divine communication and blessing that persisted through generations.

The teachings of church leaders provide valuable insights into the importance of the laying on of hands for conferring the Holy Ghost. Joseph Smith, the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, emphasized the necessity of priesthood authority in administering this sacred ordinance. According to Smith, the gift of the Holy Ghost is essential for spiritual progression and empowerment, and it is conferred by those holding the appropriate priesthood authority.

Furthermore, the modern teachings of church leaders reaffirm this doctrine’s continuity over time. For example, in “Messages of the First Presidency,” James Clark highlights that “the gift of the Holy Ghost is necessary to make and to organize the Priesthood.” This statement encapsulates the belief that the practice of laying on of hands as an ordinance for the Holy Ghost is foundational to the structure and function of the Church.

The laying on of hands holds profound theological significance within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is viewed as an ordinance that conveys divine authority and blessings, symbolizing the transfer of spiritual power from one individual to another. This physical act is not merely ceremonial; it represents a vital connection between the divine and the recipient.

Doctrine and Covenants 20:41 states, “And to confirm those who are baptized into the church, by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures.” This verse highlights the essential nature of this ordinance in the process of receiving the Holy Ghost, reinforcing its significance as a divine commandment that has persisted from ancient times to the present day.

The continuity of this practice is a testimony to the unchanging nature of God’s ordinances and the divine authority that has been passed down through generations. The laying on of hands for the Holy Ghost serves as a reminder of the ongoing relationship between God and His children, providing a means for individuals to receive guidance, comfort, and inspiration through the Holy Spirit.

The laying on of hands as an ordinance for conferring the Holy Ghost has a rich historical, scriptural, and theological foundation that predates Christ’s ministry. Through scripture and teachings from church leaders, we see the continuity of this sacred practice from ancient times to the present day. It serves as a vital link between God and His children, allowing for the transmission of spiritual gifts and authority that empower individuals to fulfill their divine potential.

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are encouraged to appreciate the depth and significance of this ordinance. By understanding its historical roots and theological implications, we can strengthen our testimonies and better appreciate the divine gifts available to us through the laying on of hands.







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