Howdy Gramps!
Really enjoy reading your blog site! I am wondering if I could get your comment, (off record of course) re a member named James T. Prout. He is the Author of The “Last Days” Timeline and website. I’ve never seen or heard of any of the Revelation/interpretation as he has stated from the Church or our Prophets. Do you know if this is legit or another wolf in sheepskin! Thank you!
What’s your opinion of Michael Rush’s interpretations of Ezras Eagle? It looks like we won’t have to wait long to see if he is right.
Buff & Tiwini,
Since both of you asked about similar ideas, I thought I’d combine them into one answer.
I get the feeling they are somewhat sincere. But I do doubt the validity of the findings. It’s ok. They’re not prophets. We can do that.
They expound on the prophecy regarding Ezra’s Eagle as depicted in The Apocrypha. But as we know, The Apocrypha isn’t really scripture. It is a conglomerate of ancient documents that were of questionable authenticity and reliability. “Questionable” does not automatically mean they are false. It simply means taht we don’t know that they are genuine, or for that matter, inspired. Whether true or not, we may have trouble comprehending it because it lacks background and context. And as such, can we do a proper textual study to determine how best to interpret it?
There is a decent case as to why we might want to pay attention to this passage. But even if we do a decent textual analysis of what is written, how dependable is the text we just did an analysis of?
As for Prout, I found his lecture to have at least a few errors. There were some quotes he gave that I could not find in the referenced verses. He got Machiavelli mixed up with Lord Acton. And his inverse astronomically high probability number was not based on any statistical methodology I’m aware of. I’d wonder how he got that. I will grant that the probability of the sequence of Presidents he gives is fairly small. But it is nowhere near that small.
So, at this point, this purported prophecy seems to be a curiosity. They can sell a few books. I’m sure many are looking to see if these predictions about President Trump come true or not. It may not be long before we find out. If wrong, they never claimed the prophetic mantle. They would have made a mistake. And I tend to believe, personally, that it will be an innocent one. But if right, then we may need to study that passage a little more.
In the meantime study the words of the living prophets on the last days. That will be much more firm ground.