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Dear Gramps,

I read your answer about plural marriages and that there will be no marriages performed passed this earth life and I am a little confused. I was sealed to my husband in the temple but then we were divorced. He has since been sealed to someone else but our sealing also remains. If I do not find someone else here on earth to be sealed to will I either have to remain sealed to him forever or just have to be alone? I have always been told that if I do not find someone here that there would someone for me in the afterlife. Am I being misled?

Cheryl, from Texas

Dear Cheryl,

I guess you could say that there is the afterlife and the after afterlife. The great work during the millennium will be to perform in holy temples all the saving ordinances for all those worthy of them who have ever lived on the earth. President Joseph Fielding Smith had this to say on the subject:

“Furthermore, there are thousands of young men as well as young women, who have passed to the world of spirits without the opportunity of these blessings. Many of them have laid down their lives in battle; many have died in their early youth; and many have died in their childhood. The Lord will not forget a single one of them. All the blessings belonging to exaltation will be given them, for this is the course of justice and mercy. So with those who live in the stakes of Zion and in the shadows of our temples; if they are deprived of blessings in this life these blessings will be given to them during the millennium” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, Vol. 2, p.38).

During the millennium there will be a mortal strain living on the earth. The saving ordinances of the gospel are to be performed in mortality, by mortal beings. For all those who have passed beyond the veil of mortality, the temple work will be performed for them vicariously by those living in mortality during the millennium. However, after the final allocation of our Father’s children to their eternal rewards, no more such ordinances will be performed. Those who attain salvation in the celestial kingdom, but not exaltation, will remain in their saved condition forever, as is recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants.

For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever (D&C 132:17).


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