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Dear Gramps,
I am sealed to my parents by being Born in the Covenant. However, my parents later divorced due to his abuse and affairs. He has since married in the temple again, but is not leading a worthy life. I am really struggling with the fact that I am sealed to him. He was very cruel and abusive to me as a child, and I have no contact with him now as an adult. Knowing that I am sealed to him causes me extreme anxiety. He knows this, and uses it as a form of abuse toward
me now. Is there anyway that I can be unsealed from him?
Jessica, from Enoch, Utah

Dear Jessica,
How do you think that you can possibly be sealed to anyone who is not worthy to enter the celestial kingdom?? You are already unsealed to your father by virtue of the fact that he is unworthy to received the blessings that would qualify him for eternal fatherhood. You are sealed to your father and mother only if they will have attained exaltation in the celestial kingdom, having honored the sacred covenants that they took upon themselves when they were sealed together in the temple. Now, in the eternities, let’s say that your birth father truly repents and leads a completely worthy life as the spouse of his second wife, and they both are worthy of exaltation. His personality, character and demeanor will have completely changed to that of a perfect person, worthy to become a god. Otherwise, worlds without end, he cannot live in a married state in the eternities. Even so, if your birth mother continues to live a worthy life, and is married again the temple, you will remain sealed to her and her second husband, if he is also worthy of exaltation. So there is really nothing to worry about. God is not only just, but also kind, loving, gentle and merciful. No one who loves the Lord and obeys His commandments will ever be required to enter into some familial relationship against their will.

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