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Dear Gramps,

Does it matter if the oil is poured directly on the head; or, is it okay to first apply it on the finger and then placed on the head?

Jack Dear Jack,

In previous years’ priesthood manuals, there was a section giving instructions in the performance of priesthood ordinances.  In each one it indicates that we are to “anoint the head of the sick person with consecrated oil”.  To me, “anointing the head” means to place the oil on the crown of the head, not on the finger and then the head.  I cannot find any official Church policy whether putting it on the finger first is acceptable or not.  I would advise you to ask your Bishop whether it is discussed in the Church Handbook of Instruction or not.  To me the critical part is that it is done with faith, by one holding the proper authority and done in the name of Jesus Christ.


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