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I have read, with interest, comments about the second annointings in the temple. It is my understanding that a person, at one time, was recommended by their Bishop for such annointing; later changed to Stake President. Is this an ordinance that is performed today to any, other then our General Auhorities (Apostles, Prophets, Seventies)? Thanks for entertaining this question.






Those who have received, administered, or recommended the so-called second anointing have learned to keep sacred things sacred. I find great wisdom in this course.

On a more general note, since I am periodically asked similar questions about temple ordinances and especially about this “second anointing.” I encourage those who want to receive the awe-inspiring and holy promises received in the temple to ponder the words of President Packer:

“The ordinances and ceremonies of the temple are simple. They are beautiful. They  are sacred. They are kept confidential lest they be given to those who are unprepared. Curiosity is not a preparation. Deep interest itself is not a preparation. Preparation for the ordinances includes preliminary steps: faith, repentance, baptism, confirmation, worthiness, a maturity and dignity worthy of one who comes invited as a guest into the house of the Lord.”

The power of the temple is not found in the academic study of the ordinances, but rather in the spirit that accompanies gospel living.





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