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Hey, Gramps,

Are there any authoritative statements regarding the role of those who have completed their earthly life assisting those of us who are currently here? We’re all aware of those with special missions, such as Moroni, Peter, James, John, and so forth. But what about my deceased grandfather, and others like him? Do they play an active role in guiding and helping us? If so, how does that relate to the role of the Holy Ghost?





Dear Pops,

I think that your question is answered by a statement from the Patriarch to the Church in 1928, Elder Hyrum G. Smith, who is quoted in the October 1928 General Conference to have said,

“I have been asked many times concerning a promise that is frequently given in blessings to the effect that the person would be guided by the influence and promptings of his guardian angel. These people have said: “Brother Smith, who is our guardian angel?” The spirits of our departed loved ones, as well as other spirits, may be appointed to act as our guardian angels, but they are special and come by appointment, while the Holy Spirit yields a constant influence over our lives for our guidance and protection.”

Also of interest would be a statement by President Joseph f. Smith,

“President Joseph F. Smith suggested that it is possible that our departed loved ones may be sent to help us who yet live on earth. Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their friends and relatives upon the earth again, bringing from the divine presence messages of love, of warning, of reproof or instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh.” (Gospel Doctrine , p. 436)






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