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Dear Gramps,

wanted two know why the  Mormon and other faith have two bibles i know my bible does say any thing about this mr. smith and my bible clearly say you should not add or take one word or . from the bibble and yes even the old king james bible does say any thing about a mr. smith why would any one belive in such a thing and i know some Mormon  do have more than two wife i am sure i read in the bible about men have other wife’s but that was before jesus die one the cross not that jesus die for i sins the bible all so say if you even look at a other woman or man  with lust in your mind it’s a sin so tell were does the true god  stand.


Dear Linda,

Mormons do not have two Bibles, nor do other faiths as far as I am aware.  We do have the Book of Mormon, which is another Testament (Testimony) of Jesus Christ, as well as the Bible.

From your question I assume you are referring to the 22nd Chapter of Revelations in the King James version of the Bible.  18″ For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall aadd unto these things, God shall add unto him the bplagues that are written in this book:  19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the abook of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”  You need to understand that the Bible is a book of books.  Each written by a different author, though some authors have written multiple books.  The books in the New Testament are not in chronological order.  John, who wrote Revelations was referring to subtracting or adding to the Book of Revelations, not to the Bible itself.

Polygamy or having plural wives is against the commandments of the Church.  If anyone is found to have more than one wife he is excommunicated immediately.  There are some churches with names similiar to ours that do practice polygamy, but it is not accepted in the Mormon Church.

There are millions of Mormons that have strong testimonies that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, that he in fact saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, including me.  I would strongly encourage you to contact the Mormon missionaries and have them tell you  about Joseph Smith.  If you will accept their teachings with an open heart and sincerely ask our Father in Heaven if it is true, you too can receive a testimony that Joseph Smith is a prophet.


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