Can my husband’s adult child be sealed to us? He really wants this to happen. Do I have to legally adopt him?
This is definitely a wonderful desire to have in one’s heart. I will explain some the principles and instructions pertaining to your husband’s desire.
1. If the child has already been sealed, and was born under the covenant, he/she is unable to be sealed to any other parent unless the couple receives permission from the First Presidency.
2. Adult children (considered over 21), who are not endowed, cannot be sealed to their parents, nor a natural parent with their stepparent.
3. An adult child who is married, endowed, 21 years or older, may be sealed to his natural parent and stepparent if the natural parents were not sealed to each other already.
I am assuming, if the child is an adult they don’t need to receive permission form their parents to be sealed. With regard to children under 21, these statements must be verified and followed:
* The natural parent has legal custody (this would be the natural parent who is seeking the sealing including physical custody the majority of the time).
* The other natural parent has given signed consent, and a legal decree from the court showing custody is not sufficient.
This is the information requested, and you would need to speak with your current Bishop and Stake President to verify.