Why was the Church Handbook changed to exclude children of same-sex parents?
Question Hi Gramps, Could you please better explain the reason the Church Handbook for Bishops was changed to exclude the blessing and baptism of children of same-sex parents? The recent news about this has managed to cause a big rift in my non-Mormon family...Will the rights of the LDS church be threatened with the recent Supreme Court ruling?
Question Dear Gramps, In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling for homosexual marriage to be allowed in all 50 states, what does this mean for the future of the Church and its members? Is this a specific sign of the times? I’ll be honest in saying that...Can those in legal same sex marriages obtain a temple recommend?
Question Dear Gramps, I read in a previous answer and it was mentioned in Sunday School today that members who are attracted to the same sex but remain chaste and don’t act on their urges, the same as heterosexuals, can hold a temple recommend. What about...Does the church seek to convert those in same sex marriages?
Question Dear Gramps, As marriage equality becomes more common, will the church try to evangelize to these families and what might that look like? Theoretically, a happily married lesbian couple raising children wants to join the church. Can they simply become...Should LDS parents attend the same sex wedding of their children?
Question Dear Gramps, Should LDS parents attend the same-sex wedding of their gay children? What if they were having a heterosexual wedding in a Satanic church? Where does one draw the line in their children’s unacceptable conduct? How would one give their...Struggling with SSA
My son has SSA (Same Sex Attraction). He does not act upon it. He wants to go on a mission. He has worked on worthiness and feels ready to go. We were told that he couldn’t go because he has SSA. In the Church Handbook of Instructions it says that individuals...Homosexuality and Gender Change
My 21-year-old announced he was gay in his early teens. It took years for us to get to a place where we agreed to love each other while agreeing to disagree. We had finally succeeded in his understanding it was a matter of respect to not bring it into our home when he...Should homosexuals be excommunicated from the Mormon Church?
Question Gramps, My wife and I know several members of the Church that claim to be homosexual. I keep trying to tell my wife that I am correct to say they are excommunicated if they choose to live that way after being counseled by Bishops, Stake Presidents and...What is the Mormon Church’s position toward transgendered persons and gay marriages?
Mormonism teaches that homosexual relations are a sin, but we should not reject or shun those who have these tendencies.