Why is school important?
Question Yo gramps, Why is school important? Jaihdin Answer Yo, yo, Jaihdin, Blaise Pascal once said, “People are usually more convinced by reasons they discovered themselves than by those found by others.” In that light, here’s...
Is there reason to study the U.S. Constitution any more?
Question Dear Gramps, Is there any reason to study the U.S. Constitution any more? It has been negated and dismantled from the founders original intent in so many ways. And the powers that be will never let us go back to the way it originally was. So why...
Should I go into debt to continue my education?
Question Gramps, I have been contemplating getting a PhD from a national university so I can become a professor but I have some apprehensions. First, the Lord has mandated that we get all the education that we can, but does that mean I should get a PhD if I am...
Why are there subjects in school we have to study if we will never use them?
Question Dear Gramps, I am 16 with many artistic talents that I have developed over the years. I love the social life of school but greatly dislike most of my classes. I agree with my parents that I am capable of getting A grades in all my classes, but see no...
Internal struggle
Hi Gramps, I have been reading your page for the last few months and have found it really useful in my learning, thanks so much. I was raised Roman Catholic but became an avowed atheist at the age of 13. I am now about to turn 21, and for the last few months I have...
Why must we use a religious method over a scientific method when we are testing, for instance, the source of the Holy Spirit?
Gramps, I agree with the existence of the scientific method and the theological method of gaining information, but why do we have to choose the results of one method over the other when we are testing the source of the Holy Spirit in this case? Sebastian Dear...
How can I get my stubborn 16 year-old teenager to listen to reason?
Question Dear Gramps, I have a teenager who won’t drop an AP class that he is struggling in. He is overwhelmed and getting depressed. He is getting a B in the class, but it will affect his GPA such that he may not be able to get into BYU, which is his goal. He...
How can we believe what the prophet Joseph Smith said about the meaning of the facsimiles in the Book of Abraham?
Question Dear Gramps The problem with the facsimiles in the Pearl of Great Price has nothing to do with them not being spoken of in the book of Abraham. The problem is the deciphering of the symbols accompanying the facsimiles, which say that it is Abraham upon...
Should I follow my desires to go into law enforcement or should I follow my father’s advice to get a college degree in business?
It would be financially advisable to finish school with a college degree, even if going into a line of work where the subject of the degree was never used.