Will we continue our education into the millennium?

Will we continue our education into the millennium?

Question   Gramps, Will people still be able to continue their educations after the Second Coming and into the Millennium? Justin   Answer   Justin,   Introduction As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we hold a profound...
Why is school important?

Why is school important?

Question   Yo gramps, Why is school important? Jaihdin   Answer   Yo, yo, Jaihdin, Blaise Pascal once said, “People are usually more convinced by reasons they discovered themselves than by those found by others.” In that light, here’s...
Internal struggle

Internal struggle

Hi Gramps, I have been reading your page for the last few months and have found it really useful in my learning, thanks so much. I was raised Roman Catholic but became an avowed atheist at the age of 13. I am now about to turn 21, and for the last few months I have...
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