Is it wrong to wear graphic T’s over garments?
Question Gramps, I’m a skater, but many of the graphic T’s marketed by retailers in the sport depict variants of a skulls or skateboarding skeletons which I am apprehensive about wearing over my garments. Does that sound like a rational concern?...
Aside from gambling, are other card games okay to play?
Question Gramps, In Mormon doctrine by Bruce R McConkie he says that cards shouldn’t even be allowed in the home. Now I understand the situation of the time but is this still what the brethren want? Are we not worthy to participate in ordinances if we...
Am I being sinful to take up a hobby?
Question Gramps, I am the sole carer to my wife and would not wish otherwise. Whilst I cannot get about much due to disability I have in my mind to return to an old hobby of mine, model railroads. Obviously there is not much time to pursue the hobby because I...
How should I proceed with my book club?
Question Gramps, I hold a Relief Society Book Club in San Diego, CA. I feel terrible because I recommended our group read Joseph Smith Rough Stone Rolling by Richard Lyman Bushman. I just finished reading it and I think it is likely to weaken testimonies of the...
Wouldn’t playing poker, drinking fake alcoholic drinks and smoking fake cigars be just good clean fun?
Question Hey Gramps, My main question is in regards to clean fun. You see, my friends and I love to get together to play poker (we don’t play for money, just for fun) and while we play we enjoy drinking O’Douls and smoking Swisher Sweet Cigars. Now obviously...
Is it gambling to put money in a pot and then draw lots to determine who would win the pot?
Dear Gramps, Several of the sisters of the ward get together one night a month to play bunko with other non-member sisters. They donate $10 dollars each for small gifts for the winner(s). My question is…….would this constitute gambling? Philli, from Grayson, Georgia...
Is it OK to play card games with face cards?
Dear Gramps, Has a prophet told us not to play with face cards? We are grandparents and remember hearing it when we were younger. Our children and grandchildren say they have never heard this, so they think it is all right to play games using face cards. We would...
Is NHB style fighting against the doctrine of the Mormon Church?
If martial arts as used as sports they would not be explicitly against the doctrine of the Mormon Church

Would fishing be considered the wanton killing of animals and therefore sinful?
Scriptures warn against wasting flesh when you have no need of it, but whether fishing is sinful is a matter of conscience to figure out yourself.