Does this mean I’m not sealed to my family?

Does this mean I’m not sealed to my family?

Question   Gramps, When I was very young, my entire family went to the LDS Laie Hawaiian Temple to be sealed. I remember the event quite vividly. A few years back, I went to my bishop to obtain my membership number, and there is absolutely NO record of me being...
What does it mean to be sealed?

What does it mean to be sealed?

Question   Gramps, What does it mean to an individual to be sealed? We always refer to the blessing of sealings to be the opportunity to be a family forever and it is often related to being “linked” together. That’s not what I’m...
Why do ordinances exist?

Why do ordinances exist?

Question   Gramps, I know the answers that come in the scriptures and manuals, but I’m looking for something even more basic, to understand why ordinances exist at the most fundamental level. I’m not challenging, but seeking to understand better. I...
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