Once I hear a truth taught in Church, I commit it as part of my testimony, which includes this: If someone commits a vile act and causes anguish upon another then that anguish becomes their own come Judgement Day if they don’t seek the Atonement. I, to this day, can’t find such a reference, but I believe to have this come to me is not of my own doing. In other words, I know I heard it from somewhere. Is this true? Where may I have heard this from?
Thanks in advance!
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for taking the time to ask this insightful question, which in all honesty, I am not sure as to where you might have heard of it. But, I will do this: I will make the attempt to answer this question, albeit, its complexity and the various multi-layered aspects of the gospel will make it challenging.
The best source of information is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here, we can find all sorts of details sanctioned by the Church leadership and deemed to be accurate.
So, let’s dissect your question a bit: “If someone commits a vile act and causes anguish upon another then that anguish becomes their own come Judgement Day if they don’t seek the Atonement.“
We know we are living our “Second Estate” and by being here on earth, we can be assured that we have achieved a higher level of progression than those “one third part of the hosts of heaven who followed Lucifer”. However, and notwithstanding, we are still bound by the eternal law of AGENCY. In other words, moral agency, or the freedom to act as we please or to the dictates of our own conscience. Of course, we also know that every action, has a natural consequence and as such, we do not have the freedom to choose that consequence.
Knowing that the natural consequence of our actions will deliver us to one of these three locations (not counting the sons of perdition):
If we read in the Church’s website with regards the Telestial Kingdom, we find the following quote:
These people did not receive the gospel or the testimony of Jesus either on earth or in the spirit world. They will suffer for their own sins in hell until after the Millennium, when they will be resurrected. “These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.” These people are as numerous as the stars in heaven and the sand on the seashore. They will be visited by the Holy Ghost but not by the Father or the Son. (See D&C 76:81–88, 103–6, 109) (emphasis added)
So, we can see how Telestial Kingdom recipients will be suffering for their own acts they’ve committed against others, until they are resurrected. Perhaps, this is what you’ve heard and understood.
There are so many “urban legends” even within the church culture that have not been validated by scripture and/or revelation so it is critical to substantiate the things we hear or learn from an early age, with proper doctrine.
Thanks again for asking this question and I hope I have strengthened your testimony.