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Dear Gramps,
You have references D&C 46:10-26 in many of your answers. Could you please explain to me what verse 19-25 mean to us? Are some still able to talk in tongues, etc?
Melissa, from Midvale, Utah

Dear Melissa,
All of the gifts of the gospel mentioned in section 46 of the Doctrine & Covenants are with us today every bit as much as they ever were, and some in greater profusion than they have ever been manifested before. The gift of testimony of Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, is a rather emotional experience of nearly every one of the approximately 13 million members of the Church. And it is indeed a miracle when members of the Christian churches hear the gospel and receive that true testimony by the gift of the Holy Ghost. They then know as a personal revelation from God what they merely believed before.
The gifts of faith to heal and faith to be healed are gifts possessed and practiced by many, many members of the Kingdom. The gift of tongues is perhaps the most prevalent spiritual gift in the Church. Can you imagine some 25,000+ youth of the Church each year learning a foreign language with such proficiency that many acquire native ability in the new tongue before their two-year missions are over? And the learning experience starts with only six weeks of formal training! There is no language training program in the world that can come anywhere near such a capability as that. There is only one plausible explanation for such masterful control of a new language in such a short time by so many youth. It is without any shadow of doubt an expression of the promised gift of tongues. Such gifts in such profusion are an indelible proof that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is indeed the kingdom of God restored again to the earth in direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

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