Dear Gramps,
I have been spending a lot of time reading the scriptures lately, especially the Book of Mormon and the New Testament. Both books are filled with many miracles performed by righteous prophets, church leaders and the Savior himself. There are many examples when evil men asked for a sign or proof of the power of God. They were often cursed because of their lack of faith. Most miracles were done in the presence of the righteous and were a result of their faith. I do understand the importance of this. My question is, why do we not seem to have miracles like in the scriptures?
We have many righteous people, the Priesthood and a living Prophet and Apostles. I would not dare ask this question in church as some would say I have no faith, but I need to understand this.
Dear Brent,
Miracles are probably more common today than they were in the times of the scriptures. We must remember that times have changed. Many of the things that were miraculous in those early times are now commonplace because of the advancement of science. Still, the signs that follow them that believe today include knowing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world; knowing the differences of administration; knowing the diversities of operations, whether they be of God; being gifted with the word of wisdom, and with the word of knowledge; having faith to be healed; having faith to heal; the working of miracles; prophesying; the discerning of spirits; speaking with tongues; the interpretation of tongues, to name a few. See D&C 46:12-25.
Since such signs follow them that believe, and in themselves are very sacred, they are not trumpeted before the world, nor are they used to demonstrate the power of the priesthood or the truthfulness of the Church. The wicked will seek after some sort of a miraculous sign on which to base their belief, and partly in order to prevent that sort of a following the miracles that do occur are not advertised.
But let me give you just one simple example of miracles in our day-the gift of tongues. Perhaps no gift is more prevalent in the Church today than this one gift. Can you imagine tens of thousands of 19-year-old young men and women each year acquiring the skill to speak foreign languages with confidence and ability with just two months of training? If there ever was a miracle that is one. Also, practically every family in the Church has had experience with the gift of healing under the hands of the holy priesthood. Indeed, all of the miracles that have been mentioned in the scriptures have been manifested among the saints in our day.