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Repeatedly through my marriage my wife has had affairs outside of our marriage ranging from emotional affairs to adultery. Recently we were sealed after 9 years of prepardeness and 3 months afterward she began considering divorce which led to her once again seeking outsde the marriage to fill her void. I’m trying to live and keep my covenants. My Bishop said it had been revealed to him that her heat is not in the marriage anymore. I have received confirmation from the lord to proceed with filing for divorce. How can this be if I had previously made covenants? How will it affect me and my ability to go to the temple?




The marriage covenant is a 3-way covenant. It is between you, your spouse and God. However, 2 of these 3 people are prone to mistakes and sin. That’s you and your spouse.

Wedding rings mormonAccording to your message, of the 2 of you, only 1 is striving to keep the marriage covenant sacred. Only 1 of you is striving to keep the elements of a marriage within the marriage.

There are 3 main reasons that would support a divorce, 3 A’s: Adultery, Abuse or Addiction.

You have put in 9 years into your marriage. Your wife has (according to your message) violated her marriage covenant repeatedly during that time. If one spouse is honoring their covenants, don’t you think they should also have a spouse that would honor their covenants?

My understanding is that, as long as you are living worthily, your temple recommend would not be affected. However, you should always consult your Bishop for specific advice about your standing to keep your temple recommend.


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