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Dear Gramps,

I am pretty worried because in all my friend’s patriarchal blessings it’s written that the Lord is preparing  a good husband for them and that one day they will get married. But in mine there is nothing about that. Does it mean that I won’t get married?




Dear Gloria,

Not at all!! The patriarchal blessing is a revelation of God to the person receiving the blessing. It may be used for instruction, guidance, direction and comfort in one’s life. However, all the blessings mentioned in a patriarchal blessing are conditioned upon the faith and obedience of the recipient, and a patriarchal blessing never pretends to be a predictor of all things. Much will happen in your life that is not mentioned in your patriarchal blessing. And those things what will happen will be the result of your own faith, diligence and obedience, or they will be the result of the lack of those life-giving qualities.

So, if you live a life of faith and obedience, and appeal to the Lord for his guidance and direction in achieving the worthy goals to which you aspire, God will surely help and guide you in bringing them about.



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