Dear Gramps,
I have a sister-in-law who is taking the discussions and is interested in being baptized. She however drinks coffee and caffeinated drinks. She is concerned that she cannot be baptized unless she gives these things up and she is not ready to do that just yet. This issue is the only thing holding her back from being baptized. Can you help me? Maybe give me some conference talks that outline how the church stands on the Word of Wisdom on this issue. Thank you in advance for your guidance
Dear Anon.
If your sister-in-law is interested in being baptized she must have a budding testimony that the Church is true. She is undoubtedly acquainted with the revelation recorded as section 89 in the Doctrine and Covenants, known as the Word of Wisdom, in which the Lord enjoined the members to avoid the use of tea, coffee, strong drink and tobacco. To become a member of the Lord’s kingdom she must commit herself to be obedient to the Word of the Lord. I doubt very much that the Lord would hold everyone else accountable for obedience to the Word of Wisdom and make an exception in her case.
You might ask her if she could tell you the advantages and blessings that she would receive if she were to be baptized and became a member of the Church. Let her write them down. Then ask her that if she had to make a choice between receiving those blessings and continuing the use of coffee, which would she choose. You might ask her if she would let a little thing like the habit of drinking coffee keep her out of the kingdom of God.