Hi Gramps,
This may seem like a petty question, but it’s something that’s been bothering me. I have a number of (non fatal) food allergies, involving items not referred to in D&C 89 (eg dairy products). I know the Word of Wisdom’s intention is to help us stay healthy. So… If I were to willingly choose to have something which I know will make me ill (e.g. a milkshake), would I be breaking the Word of Wisdom if I chose this over something I could safely have? Thanks in advance.
When the Lord gives guidance, directions, and commandments to a large group of people He will generally outline the the ideas and the goals and what He wants. He might also give some detailed instruction, but generally he gives us the principle of the matter and then allows us to govern ourselves.
The Word of Wisdom is a perfect example of this. We are expected to study it out and then apply it to our lives. We are to use the Spirit to refine and adapt the generalized counsel to our circumstance. So when you ask if you are breaking the Word of Wisdom by partaking of something that triggers your food allergies, you are asking a question that I cannot answer for you. Because I do not know what the Lord had told you on this matter.
I can say with confidence that you will not be subject to Church discipline for triggering your food allergies. And I can be reasonably sure that the Lord is not happy when you choose to do something that you know will harm yourself (if even for just a short while). But I cannot judge the seriousness of such action in the eyes of the Lord because I do not know what he has revealed to you personally.
I would advise you, however, to stop doing things if you know that they are harmful for you. I understand that it can be very hard to give up something we like, but the ability to avoid the illness and focus more on the Lord I think would make up for that.