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Dear Gramps,

I have been called to jury duty. My question is: How should we as Latter-day Saints deal with and respond to serving on a jury? I know all cases of court are different, but I am troubled as to how I should feel and how I should respond. Is there scripture guidance that you could show me? Thanks for your help.





Dear Harry,

There is a scripture that deals directly with the issue that you bring up:

We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law (Articles of Faith 12).

Not only is it the law to respond to a request for jury duty, but jury duty is a civic obligation of every citizen, and it lies at the very heart of our democracy. The concept of the presumption of innocence and the privilege of being judged by one’s peers are constitutional guarantees that are seldom found in other countries and it behooves each citizen to willingly support and participate in this aspect of the judicial process. There are so many complaints we hear about our government, yet there is no one who complains about the government of the United States except he who has never lived abroad.






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