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Hello Grandpa

I have a question and it is the following. How is it that God was once a man and was exalted to be a God according to the teachings of King Follet? Psalm 90 verse 2 says God was always eternal. Could you explain it to me please?





Hi Mauro,

In order to best answer this question we’ll begin with the doctrine of the Godhead as described in our first Article of Faith, “We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”  From our Church’s website we can read the following from this link, “These three beings make up the Godhead. They preside over this world and all other creations of our Father in Heaven.”

These are three distinct individuals with their own body and intelligence.  This doctrine and teaching stems from the first vision of Joseph Smith where God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. They were seen as two separate beings whose brightness and glory defied all description. We can confirm that God the Father, and his Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost are all eternal beings.

In reference to God the Father, there isn’t much said in our canon scripture regarding his life and existence. We as members know exactly where this idea you present comes from — “The King Follett Discourse.” This is a teaching that is held within the Church as a possibility but we also recognize it may or may not be true. We simply have not yet received further light and knowledge regarding God the Father, but the concept of God being once a man can be understood through understanding the Son. Jesus Christ’s life makes this statement a reality.

Let’s review a quote given by a past prophet Lorenzo Snow who said, “As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may be.” Now, let’s make a simple change to this quote that will clarify the potential reality of this quote, “As man now is, [Christ] once was…” This statement is factually true and can’t be denied. It is clear from scripture God (Jesus Christ) was born of Mary, confirming Christ was once a man — as man now is. He had a body of flesh and blood. He had a work to fulfill as he was sent by his Father.

As we contemplate the life of Christ, I think it is pretty clear and simple how an eternal being can become a man (flesh and blood) and how through Christ we can be exalted and stand with him and the Father on the right side.






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