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Hi Gramps,
I have a question about patriarchal blessings. A friend of mine has two sisters (same parents) who have been told in their patriarchal blessings that they are from the house of Ephraim but my friend, in her patriarchal blessing was told that she was from the house of Judah. Can this be right and if so how does it work? I always thought it would be the same for all siblings born of the same parents. What are the implications of being in a different house to your blood brothers or sisters?
Brett, from Australia

Dear Brett,
Let me ask you a question. How come different siblings may have different eye color, different hair color, or one be right handed and the other left handed, etc. etc.? All these differences between siblings are related to different combinations of genes from the same parents. Now, is one’s lineage genetic? Would different combinations of dominant genes in different siblings relate to the dominance of one ancestral line in one sibling and a different ancestral line in another? I don’t have any idea if that is the nature of the difference in siblings that would identify them as being from different ancestral lines or not. But it does represent a logical possibility. So there certainly may also be other differences in different individuals from the same family that could be responsible for their different tribal relationships. We only know that it does happen, and that the reason behind it has not yet been revealed to us.

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