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I have been told by a “well meaning” neighbor that anyone who chooses to not have children will not reach the celestial kingdom. Is this true?

Marge, from Utah

Dear Marge,

Let’s see if we can identify some of those who will inherit the celestial kingdom. First, in the Priesthood manual for 2000, “Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith,” it would be interesting to look at chapter 15, entitled “The Salvation of Little Children.” Here we learn that “little childlren who die before they reach the years of accountability are redeemed by the blood of Christ,” and inherit the celestial kingdom.

“Such children are in the bosom of the Father. They will inherit their glory and their exaltation, and they will not be deprived of the blessings that belong to them, . . . and in the wisdom and mercy and economy of God our Heavenly Father, all that could have been obtained and enjoyed by these if they had been permitted to live in the flesh will be provided for them hereafter” (Collected Discourses, Vol. 4, Funeral Services for Daniel Wells Grant, March 12, 1895).

We read in the Doctrine and Covenants that not only will little children inherit the celestial kingdom, but also “All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God.”

Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying: All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God; Also all that shall die henceforth without a knowledge of it, who would have received it with all their hearts, shall be heirs of that kingdom; For I, the Lord, will judge all men according to their works, according to the desire of their hearts. And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven (D&C 137:7-10).

We understand also that all those who are baptized into the Lord’s Church, who live in accordance with their baptismal covenant, remaining true and faithful all the days of their lives, but who are not sealed in the holy temple, although denied exaltation, will also inherit the glory of the celestial kingdom.

For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever (D&C 132:17).

So it seems that your well meaning neighbor was more well meaning than well informed.


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