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Peace be unto you… I would like to know the difference between a law and a commandment.   I would like to also understand  if they mean the same thing and if they do then why does Apostle Paul say we’re are no longer living under the law but still we observe the COMMANDMENTS.   For example  tithing and the ten commandments and not following the LAW ( circumcision &others. And furthermore to understand what is the relationship among the law, the commandments and the Grace.

Thank you






Words can have more than one meaning.   When God gave commandments to Israel through Moses, these commandments were known as the Law.  (See the Te Commandments and the Law of Moses).  All of the commandments in the Law of Moses were designed to point the people toward Christ and his atonement, son that they could gain a remission of sins.

Then Christ came and atoned for all the sins of mankind.  This fulfilled the Law of Moses and all of the commandments that were designed to point people toward Christ.

This required new commandments and laws to point people towards Christ and and remind them of what he had already done.

The Jewish people had a hard time letting go of what they had done for centuries.  This caused Paul to preach about the deadness of the Law.  He was talking to the Jews, who knew that nwhen Paul talked about the Law, he was talking about the Law of Moses or the old commandments. The old Law (of Moses) was replaced by the new commandments.

Which leaves grace.  The prophet Nephi made this relationship clear:  “For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.” (2 Nephi 25:23).  None but Christ perfectly obeyed the laws and commandments. .  No one but Christ earned (or could earn) Heaven though obedience to the commandments.  Everyone else falls woefully short.  Christ is both our Savior and our Judge and his judgment will be the perfect balance of mercy and justice based on our personal situation and willingness to follow him.






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