All of the prophets, including the Old Testament prophets, according to Jacob in the Book of Mormon testified of Christ. How come only the Book of Mormon prophets were given His name? Was it because they would not have crucified Him? Thank you.
To be specific, Jacob testifies that all the prior prophets “worshiped the Father in [the] name” of “Christ” (Jacob 4:5). This name, “Christ”, is the English transliteration of the Greek χρίω (Christos). It is equivalent in meaning to the Hebrew מָשַׁח (Mashiyach – Messiah), both of which mean “the Anointed One”.
David writes most prolifically of the Anointed Messiah (being himself a symbol of the Messiah as King). Psalms 105:14-15 contains a plea to respect King Messiah along with the prophets. Additionally, every prophet teaches principles relating to Christ and His Atonement.
Through latter-day revelation we learn that Israel under Moses rebelled from the fullness of the gospel and were given a schoolmaster instead. The intent was that when they could live that as a people they’d could use that as a stepping-stone to receiving the fullness. Before this time, there were brightly lit dispensations interspersed with period of dark apostasy. When God’s covenant people basked in the light of truth they were privileged to know the name of their Redeemer. We know that Adam and Enoch and others of the ancients had the name revealed to them and taught it to their people. The Nephites are also an excellent example of a people who were subject to the Law of Moses, but were able to see past the symbols to the Object represented. They continued to live the Law, but were blessed with a New Testament level of understanding because of their faithfulness.
As a final note, it is quite possible that some prophets in the Mosaic dispensation openly taught the name of the Savior. The Book of Mormon speaks of Zenos, Zenock, and Neum as worthy prophets who speak directly of “the Son of God”. The writings of these notable men had apparently fallen out of vogue by the time of the Maccabean revolt and would be lost were it not for the brass plates and a branch of Israel quoting from it. If the name of Jesus Christ was openly taught, it may have been lost to popular knowledge along with these records.