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Could you please explain how the Law of Restitution applies in the resurrection. I understand that we rise as we were laid in the grave for there is no growth in the grave. I keep hearing that we rise as we were in the “prime of life” but what of those that didn’t have a “prime of life”? The scriptures say that we are restored to a perfect frame, no hair on the head will be lost, etc. I seem to recall a quote that says something to the effect that we are resurrected with an imperfect body (limbs missing etc.) and then the body becomes perfected gradually, through the Law of Restitution as we work towards perfection. I understand that not all bodies will receive the same glory (sun, moon, stars) but that be after we are judged. I’ve read the info in the Bible Dictionary, Elder Oaks talk in this past Conference was good. I guess I’m really looking for the source of the quote I mention, if it exists, and info relating to it. Thank you for any help you can give.!





Dear Mike,

We understand that there is no growth in the grave. Infants who die will be raised as infants. But those who have reached maturity, regardless of their age and condition at death, will be raised up with a perfect body.

Here are a references from Presidents Joseph F. Smith and David O. McKay that confirm this statement.

“The doctrine of the Church in this respect was very clearly set forth by the late President Joseph F. Smith in an editorial in The Improvement Era, June 1904, wherein he stated, ‘The body will come forth as it is laid to rest, for there is no growth or development in the grave. As it is laid down, so will it arise, and changes to perfection will come by the law of restitution. But the spirit will continue to expand and develop, to the full stature of man'” (David O. McKay, Gospel Ideals, p.75).

“There is no reason for any person to be concerned as to the appearance of individuals in the resurrection. Death is a purifying process as far as the body is concerned. We have reason to believe that the appearance of old age will disappear and the body will be restored with the full vigor of manhood and womanhood. Children will arise as children, for there is no growth in the grave. Children will continue to grow until they reach the full stature of their spirits. Anything contrary to this would be inconsistent. When our bodies are restored, they will appear to be in the full vigor of manhood and womanhood, for the condition of physical weakness will all be left behind in the grave” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, Vol.4, p.185).






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