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I heard that it has been stated that some people have been told by their patriarch that they are not of Ephraim or Manasseh but of the tribe of Judah.  There are other tribes, and I’ve heard that if one is being told to be of a certain tribe, this person automatically becomes the bishop of the ward he is in. Which tribe is that? And where can I find references to that?  Also how long does one have to be a member to get his/her patriarchal blessing?  Thank you in advance!






There is no set time period that one must wait to get their patriarchal blessing.  This is left to the judgment of an individual bishop based on how ready the individual is to receive such a blessing.

As for your question about Bishops  D&C 68:14-20,clarifies so let’s read a few of those verses.

16 And if they be literal descendants of Aaron they have a legal right to the bishopric, if they are the firstborn among the sons of Aaron;

First Aaron and his literal descendants are not a tribe.  They are a part of the tribe of Levi.  Having a patriarchal blessing declaring you of the tribe of Levi is simply not enough. They need to be a firstborn son of literal descendants of Aaron.  That is much harder to find and be.

Next is the idea that such a change will be automatic.  This is not the case

20 And a literal descendant of Aaron, also, must be designated by this Presidency, and found worthy, and anointed, and ordained under the hands of this Presidency, otherwise they are not legally authorized to officiate in their priesthood.

So not only must it be proven that they are a first born of Aaron’s line, they must also be worthy and ordained by those in authority to be set apart as a bishop.

When talking about “legal rights” it is easy to get carried away.  The only difference is that they would not need to be a High Priest to become a bishop.






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