Is the LDS Church against ring ceremonies?
Question Gramps, First time asking a question. You’ve answered similar questions but the differences are key and I could use some guidance. My wife and I have been married 15 years. During our temple sealing the sealer had some big opinions on wedding rings...
Is it appropriate to transcribe prayers for family history book?
Question Gramps, I have an audio recording of my Grandpa's funeral from 1990. I have transcribed it and would like to put it into a history book I am making of him. Is it appropriate to transcribe and put in the prayers and the dedication of the grave in a...
Why does a patriarchal blessing declare a lineage such as Ephraim or Manessah?
Question Gramps, Why does a patriarchal blessing declare a lineage such as Ephraim or Manasseh (next generation) rather than just from the original 12 sons? For example, would someone ever receive their lineage from one of Dan’s sons rather than Dan himself?...
Why was it critical for Nephi to retrieve the plates?
Question Gramps, I was thinking about the urgent need for Nephi to retrieve the plates of brass and also how the Mulekites lost so much knowledge because they didn't have plates (history). I wonder, if they had a revelation and wouldn't need the physical plates...
Is “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” taught?
Question Gramps, Do any of the leaders of the Church teach that the road to hell is paved with good intentions? Rebecca Answer Rebecca, I don't think it means what you think it means. It might be helpful to understand the history and meaning of...
How did the animals fit on the ark and what about those kangaroos?
Question Gramps, I know this has probably been asked and answered before but I am in an online discussion with a skeptic who doesn't believe in the global flood and he counters my assertions by wanting to know how all the animals fit on the ark and even how did...
Does the Book of Mormon have anything to say about atomic holocausts?
Question Gramps, Elder Bruce R. McConkie stated that atomic holocausts surely must come. What does the Book of Mormon have to say about that? What has to happen before the earth is "cleansed"? Andrew Answer Andrew, In a world...
Is temple work a requirement to be resurrected?
Question Gramps, Are temple ordinances a requirement for resurrection? Can a person be resurrected if their temple work is not done? Dennis Answer Dennis, The doctrines regarding resurrection and temple work in The Church of Jesus Christ of...
Are only descendants of Judah considered to be Jews?
Question Gramps, Are the descendants of Judah only considered to be “Jews” or is all of Israel’s 12 tribes' descendants considered to be Jews? Alvis Answer Alvis, The term "Jew" has undergone significant evolution over the centuries, influenced by...
Can we share personal revelation/insights we receive in the temple with others?
Question Gramps, Can we share personal revelation or insights that we might receive while in the temple with others? Mike Answer Mike, The temple serves as a unique environment conducive to spiritual experiences and personal revelation. Within its...
Do they celebrate birthdays in heaven?
Question Gramps, My mom died this year of uterine cancer complications. Her birthday is coming up this Saturday and she would've been 67 years old, had she been allowed more time on this earth. I am heartbroken that I can't call her to wish her a happy...
What does it mean to be a “Servant of God?”
Question Gramps, What does it mean to be a servant of God? Володимир Answer Володимир, At its core, being a "Servant of God" means dedicating one's life to fulfilling the will of God and serving others. In Christian doctrine, this encompasses a...
Do I have to will everything to the Church?
Question Gramps, Do I need to leave everything I have, savings and house to the Church in my will? Or is it okay to leave my worldly goods to my children? Allene Answer Allene, Thank you for your question. The short answer to your question is "You...
How can we promote religious freedom where we live?
Question Gramps, What can we do to promote and preserve religious freedom where we live? Weena Answer Weena, Religious freedom is defined as the right of individuals to practice their faith without interference or oppression. It is a cornerstone...
Can we repent in the next life?
Question Gramps, I have recently been learning about the laws of mercy and justice, and am confused. On the one hand, we learn from both Alma and Samuel the Lamanite that we cannot procrastinate the day of our repentance. On the other hand, we learn that...
What significance does May 2,1838 hold in Church history if any?
Question Gramps, Brigham Young said that Joseph and Oliver returned the plates to Moroni at the hill Cumorah, and the hill opened up for them, and they saw many, many other plates in that hill. Do we know when this happened? Was it May 2, 1838, or a different...
How much is known about Nephi’s sisters?
Question Gramps, In 2 Nephi, chapter 5, verse 6 refers to Nephi's sisters. That seems to be the only place they are mentioned. Did they follow from Jerusalem? Is any more known about them?? Bruce Answer Bruce, In the annals of the Book of Mormon,...
In Acts Chapter 15, was Jesus talking about pork consumption?
Question Gramps, I've been trying to find out about pork consumption. In Acts chapter 15 Jesus says that what he cleanses we shall not call common. But it doesn't really show that he meant pork. Can you help me understand please? Dan Answer Dan,...
Should we watch shows that have LGBTQ characters?
Question Gramps, Should we allow TV shows that depict some characters as LGBTQ in our homes? DG Answer DG, In today's world, media representation plays an essential role in shaping societal attitudes and norms. As families sit down to enjoy their...
How could John the Baptist enter the Kingdom of God without baptism?
Question Gramps, The Bible says that if you are not baptized with water and fire, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. My question is how can John the Baptist enter if he was not baptized? Hyrum Answer Hyrum, Baptism stands as a fundamental...
Are other churches active in the Spirit World?
Question Gramps, Are the other churches such as Pentacostal, Baptist, Catholic and others active in the Spirit World? Wayne Answer Wayne, Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, characterized by its emphasis on the active presence of...
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